Friday, December 30, 2011

Rug Burn Brain

For a few weeks Lorelai crawled around on the carpet like this.  She went back and forth until she ran into something, then would turn around and do it again.  Not really sure where it came from, but I find it very amusing!

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Merry Christmas to all! A few weeks ago we brought Lorelai to see Santa and she was not a fan. She was chatty up until we sat her on his lap we then got one of those silent cries for a min then it was a full on wail.  Aww bless Santa she tried to calm her with a kiss, but I'm pretty sure that just mad her cry more.  Needless to say all gifts this year were from Mom and Dad.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Bun Warmer

Lorelai has this fun play kitchen that she loves to play with. Well so much so the other morning she pulled the drawer out, emptied it out and climbed in. if you look closely you will also see a cord following her in there. That would be the carbon monoxide detector from her room that she found and brought with her.

Lorelai's poopventure

This picture is what inspired me to start this blog. It seems everyday she is getting into something new.
Most recently she figured out how to undress herself during a nap. When I went into get her I noticed the aroma of poop and that she was no longer wearing her clothes. As I got closer I saw the poop scattered around her crib and she was so excited she was jumping all around in it. I was so grossed out I left the room but Maverick the dog stayed in. I then hear a thud, I come back in to find Lorelai threw a piece of poop out and Maverick was eating it. So yeah that was my day...